

报告题目: Canadian national indoor air survey of selected volatile organic compounds: study design, execution and implications for human exposure assessment
报告人:Dr. Jiping Zhu
Air Contaminants Research Laboratory, Health Canada
        Inhalation is one of major human exposure routes for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Knowledge of levels of airborne VOCs, primarily in indoor air but also in outdoor air, is a pre-requisition for estimating human inhalation exposure to these compounds. However, there is a lack of information on the indoor air levels of many VOCs, which poses challenges for the government to assess their risks to populations. In Canada, risk assessment and management of chemicals are carried out under the government legislations of Canadian Environmental protection Act (CEPA) and Chemicals Management Plan (CMP). To support government’s CEPA and CMP programs, a national residential indoor air survey on selected VOCs in Canadian residential indoor air was conducted from 2009 to 2011 to collect national representative data for a number of chemicals that are being assessed under CEPA and CMP. The survey was imbedded in a major Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). The CHMS collects health data that are representative of 97% of the population in Canada. The participants in the CHMS have been asked to participate in the indoor air survey. VOCs in indoor air were collected using a commercially available thermal desorption tube exposed to the air for 7 days in a passive sampling mode. Samples were analysed using a thermal desorption unit coupled with GC/MS. A total of 84 VOCs were measured in the national indoor air survey. The analytical results of the survey will be released by government of Canada in September 2012. In this talk we present the study design for achieving national representative data, the logistics in running major surveys at the national scale, quality control measures for generating analytical data of known quality, and the implication of the survey data for human risk assessment and risk management of these chemicals.